Friday 5 October 2012

Treat your company with respect

What do you expect when you do not treat your employees with the same respect as your executive or management? Do you expect to go ahead and be successful when your company is unethical? Such behavior ruins a company’s image.
Get the reputation you deserve: Respect.

Some company's management is treating employees unfairly.  Fidelity Guard (FG) has not been delivering money in time for people to receive their salary because of striking. I don't blame them for striking because the law allows them and they are not being paid what they deserve.
During election time political parties use every type of manipulation and persuasion to get people’s votes. Anything can be said just to get that vote. This is where being unethical comes in because some of the promises are never fulfilled.
I was listening to YFM’s morning show today, Flava in the Morning and they were discussing 'sexual harassment' or sleeping your way to the top. There are some managers or executives who will give you a job or promote you only if you sleep with them specifically have sex with them.
People are afraid of reporting such things because they are afraid that they will get blacklisted or lose their jobs. Professors have also been reported at tertiaries but students are also afraid to report. Authorities such as the CCMA (Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration appeal to people to report such matters so that justice may be served. Public relations practitioners may also help in this regard as they make sure that reputation and mutual relationships are kept.

Being unethical just shows how much respect you have for yourself and company. Well I think it is high time authorities took initiative and follow up on reported incidents. Why not about remuneration and your image than your personal satisfaction?  Treat your company with respect to get the deserved respect and reputation it needs.