Friday 5 October 2012

Treat your company with respect

What do you expect when you do not treat your employees with the same respect as your executive or management? Do you expect to go ahead and be successful when your company is unethical? Such behavior ruins a company’s image.
Get the reputation you deserve: Respect.

Some company's management is treating employees unfairly.  Fidelity Guard (FG) has not been delivering money in time for people to receive their salary because of striking. I don't blame them for striking because the law allows them and they are not being paid what they deserve.
During election time political parties use every type of manipulation and persuasion to get people’s votes. Anything can be said just to get that vote. This is where being unethical comes in because some of the promises are never fulfilled.
I was listening to YFM’s morning show today, Flava in the Morning and they were discussing 'sexual harassment' or sleeping your way to the top. There are some managers or executives who will give you a job or promote you only if you sleep with them specifically have sex with them.
People are afraid of reporting such things because they are afraid that they will get blacklisted or lose their jobs. Professors have also been reported at tertiaries but students are also afraid to report. Authorities such as the CCMA (Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration appeal to people to report such matters so that justice may be served. Public relations practitioners may also help in this regard as they make sure that reputation and mutual relationships are kept.

Being unethical just shows how much respect you have for yourself and company. Well I think it is high time authorities took initiative and follow up on reported incidents. Why not about remuneration and your image than your personal satisfaction?  Treat your company with respect to get the deserved respect and reputation it needs.


  1. well when it comes to politics we all know that politicians will say anything to get our votes, hence other people end up not voting at all. they dont really care if the promises they make to us will be possible for them to fulfill so i can also sat that they are not ethical

    1. I think political parties are the most unethical because they hardly fulfill what they have promised which says a lot about their reputation.

  2. i think its really sad that we still facing lots of challenges in SA especially the one were some people are getting ahead through sexual favours yet some are fighting really hard to maintain their jobs. people on top they use their power to degrade other people thats y it gets hard for some to report these matters because they will never win since their bosses uses money to bribe the case, so it is a challenge that will take time to be resolve.

    1. What a great challenge it is, bribery and corruption. A great initiative to stop this is a petition or a campaign that is against sexual harassment or misconduct. Although some people will not sign it but it is better to try to make a difference in someone's life than to fail everyone.

  3. Thats true in many companies people who are in charge of hiring they usually demand sex before they employ you but this particularly happens to women because they demand sex from them before they employ them. In addition Respect can lead to success because if we respect one another this will enable us to work together with harmony and we will be able to achieve more.

    1. Yes, sex is mostly demanded in women but also in men. I fail to understand why managers or employers continue with such misconduct.

  4. it is a shame that there are people out there who are quite because they don't want to lose their jobs but the CCMA needs to advertise themselves reasuring that they people who report will be helped in the best way possible and hence the people who harrass others they should be in prison

    1. Well said, because if the CCMA assures the employees that it is there for them, then justice will be served.

  5. The success of each company lies in the hands of being discipline and respecting each other,therefore if people in the top management fail to respect their workers that will lead to the down-fall of the company.It is not fair that women have to face sex challenges acspecially at work...I mean it is totally not normal to have to sleep our way to the top after the hard works at tertiary level.

    1. It is unfair especially at tertiaries because lectures or professors are like fathers to daughters and mothers to sons. The work place environment has to be safe and comfortable for everyone. Authorities have to really take proper action and discipline.

  6. we all get excited when we get a job,and trust me we never wanted to loose them,sometimes even if the top managers disrecpect a junior employeee,he /she might not have that power to speak up,because we are afraid of loosing the job,i wish that the CCMA can be more available and valuable so that every employee gets to knw about it.

    1. That is my wish too, for employees to speak out. I mean this situation ends up turning into the one of being made a "tea-girl" or even "tea-boy". Companies have to really emphasise and provide workshops for such situations.

  7. Busines alone can't exist and ca't be successful.You may be the boss but that doesn't mean ypou should treat others badly and expect something good in return.Lead by example nad the company will be successful.

    1. True to that Vongani, respect goes a long way. If you do not give your employees the right treatment you must not expect your company to succeed because when 'word' goes out, you are doomed and your reputation is damaged.

  8. Emloyers tend to forget that respect is a two way thing,you give someone the respect they deserve, and they will return it equally to you. Another thing is that employers forget that without its employees,there is no company.

    1. They do, they forget that without their employees they have no revenue or any kind of business whatsoever. Yes, you have to give it to get it. It is earned.
