Friday 21 September 2012

Our new notes - the image of Mandela

To our suprise: Nelson Mandela is a man
 that will be honoured through the SA bank  notes.

It came to my surprise when I saw the South African notes having changed from the “Big Five” animals to the former President’s image, Nelson Mandela. This is supposed to be a celebration for a country but there are a lot of critics which I seem to agree with.
According to read more, the rand dropped by 2.5 percent against the dollar. The announcement came as a surprise to many officials as it was said that, there would be an announcement of ‘national importance’ without giving details except that, President Jacob Zuma, Minister of Finance, Pravin Gordhan and Reserve Bank Governor Gill Marcus would be present.
The announcement was made by President Jacob Zuma at the Reserve Bank in Pretoria, the day also being the anniversary of Mandela’s release from prison.

On Sunday Independent the governor commented that “We have changed currency before. It is not a big thing”. The governor’s comments are due to the people’s negative reaction… But do you blame the people. I believe that the changing of the notes should have been announced during the Nation State to emphasise the reasons behind it and for people to expect what is to come.
Comments such as “Everything is called a Mandela something, “South Africa will become Mandelaville”, “This is like play -play money or monopoly money”, were broadcast on the News24 online medium. The thought of thinking about the money being used to buy drugs does bring dishonour to Mandela.
The new design cost an estimation of 2, 5 to 3 million and will be introduced before the end of the year. The Mandela notes will also have newly developed security features. Gill Marcus said so far the R500 note has not been implemented.
Yes, Nelson Mandela is a man of great honour and importance but the way this was done and introduced seemed dodgy. I mean why the secrecy? The Rand also dropped which indicates miscommunication within the government and the market. A publicity campaign could have been done to support the announcement. Perception is always a factor to consider.


  1. yes i understand that people like nelson mandela should be honoured,but i dont think he would be happy if he find out the country is doing poorly in economy due to his face on a note,he would rather,want the country to be in a stable economy,than his face on a note draging down our economy.

    1. I agree, because Nelson Mandela already is honoured enough. His image being on the currency was not well accepted by the public at large or even other government officials because of the secrecy for change.

  2. I think this is a great way of honouring one of the reasons we get to shout freedom in South Africa. The notes will be a way of showing that we appreciate Mr Nelson Mandela and that his legacy will forever live on.

    1. no one denies mandela a legacy but putting his face and only his face on our notes really over shadows all presidents before him and all those to come after.. the man already has enough things in his name for us to remember him by.

    2. Indeed. I mean it's like South Africa is doing what the Westen countries are doing. We were unique with the Big Five, yes Mr Mandela is a man to be honoured but over doing it is not the way .

  3. I think that it is not fair there are a lot of people who were also involved in fighting for the freedom we have today and they are not getting anything, why is everything about Mandela.

    1. It is not fair, because a man alone cannot succeed unless working with others. Dr Nelson Mandela is an icon of freedom but we should show that we are growing as a country and moving away from past events. Not to say that we are forgetting but progressing.

  4. Mandela has done so much for this country, he has been rewarded over and over again...This man has been given more than enough credit, the new bank note are totally not necessary.

    1. I wonder why the President Jacob Zuma and the members mentioned above kept the whole thing a secret. Doesn't this prove that many officials would not agree with the decision?

  5. I think they took time to do this thing,they should have done it long time ago but i have to congratulate the Reserve Bank for finally making it happen as he(Mandela) deserved the recognition for what he has done for this country.

    1. I don't disagree with you seeing this as the right thing, but I still feel that the Big Five was well representing the country.

  6. Yes something that has politics inside never has a good ending. i think its a good thing that mandela is being honoured but its enough now, what about other people who have also worked for this country????

    1. Politics always have an agenda. Yes what about others like Bantu Steve Biko or Chris Hani?

  7. if this issue is causing a lot of havoc why not live things as they are because it think Nelson Mandela doesnot care about such things he cares about making a better future for us

    1. That's the problem things cannot be left as they are becasue the decision has been taken. The sad thing is that people did not have a say in this matter and a better future is expected at the same time.

  8. Honouring Mandela in many ways is acceptable but for letting our economy drop will take the nation back to worse situations and many other things that this country has survived. I think that you have a point when you say changing of the notes should have been announced during the Nation State to emphasise the reasons behind it and for people to expect what is to come and may be have suggestions of how it should be done such as having different freedom fighters on the notes as Dineo think that it is not fair for other freedom fighters not to be involved.

    1. I fully agree with you especially on the point of people also having suggestions and and expect what is to come.

  9. The only thing that made me to be a Proudly South African was the BIG 5, now I have nothing more to be proud of. Our Money note had something unique, but now it is the ssame as the money from London and USA. Why immitate other countries?? Why Mandela's face? He was not the only person locked down in that prison. Why not Steve Biko's? I do not approve with the bank notes being changed.

  10. To seem like 'copy cats' is the worst because I believe that we had high standards as country, we were unique but now we look like we are not sure of our goals.
